


Lo these 130,000 years, the mountains shake and the rivers quiver. Mighty rocks become grains of sand and all the land contracts and expands. Age is ageless and time timeless: both are forever and neither exist. The orbs are spinning orbs spinning or’ orbs and under petals. Metal is merely melted stone. The quiet one speaks the loudest. The proudest Hotspur tumbles while the modest prosper. Crumble goes the ocean on the beach. Crumble goes the air at the shores of space. Or’ and or’. This is forever and never. It all existed quite before your time, but only whilst you were looking. Three cheers for dark matter! Surge tight the fabric of the universe! The eye speaks what the nose cannot bring itself to say. Lo these many years, math was before during and after never. Ever after everafter. Just as we, the math of the universe, logos of the cosmos, were doomed to be destined. The rest in a history. Exist with me. When the sun god sleeps all is darkness. Hark! The herald angles ring in 180 degrees Kelvin. Cold. Cold. Cold Cold. Cold. Cuts your liver and serves it to the stars, your little children’s twinkle in their eyes afar. Lo these eons, billions have come and gone. Trillions came and went while you were asleep. You woke up screaming in a reverse blink of an eye only to die when the sun god took a nap in the yard. Cosmic tendrils snap like whips to will you to work another day. 9 to 5. Music is a comfort unavailable in a vacuum. Entertain thyself on wine, laugh like swine, dine on your belly and feast upon yourself. Everything is everything else. Stars are made of hamburgers. Farts are made of the Lincoln Bedroom. When the sun god grew a tail, it was in a place where everyone could see it. Somehow no one remembered that it had already happened in the first place. The birth place. The birthplace.

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