



Note: The audience may be as few as one person or as many as 100,000


The coercion device works as such.

1.) Blindfold the subject so that they have no visual perception.
2.) Place heavy mittens on the hands and tie the arms together.
3.) Place a heavy ski mask over the head, with a surgical mask over the nose and mouth to assure no breeze makes contact with the face.
4.) Until noise canceling headphones are placed over the ears, blast awful metal music at extremely high levels.
5.) Instruct or coerce the audience member to kneel.

At this juncture, abandon the audience member for an indeterminate amount of time. At random intervals, make light physical contact with them, but avoid detection at all costs. Should an audience member become overly frustrated, increase the amount of time between intervals and lengthen the period of which they spend under coercion.

Randomly free the audience member from coercion at your discretion.



When releasing the audience member from coercion, do so in a controlled environment, preferably a bright room. Have motivational questions and quotes by Dr. Phil written on the wall in big black letters in Arial Font. Repeatedly ask confusing questions to the audience member, demanding answers regardless of whether or not they are capable of providing any. If no satisfactory answer is given, return the audience member to coercion.

This process may be repeated indefinitely.

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