
31 - Imaginary Ping-Pong Play

This performance is free. There is no charge. The audience members, who all had to do at least something to attend the performance, are ushered into a room filled with card chairs. When they have all taken their seats, the ushers hand them all ping-pong balls, in various colors. With the ping-pong balls, the audience members are also given sharpie markers. They are told to draw little faces on their ping-pong balls. When they are done, they are instructed to stand and place the ping-pong balls in their seats, facing the stage. When everyone is standing, the ushers escort them out of the room, and close the door. The ushers invite the audience to approach the door, to which they have their ears firmly pressed. Light sounds of drama and comedy are just barely audible from the doors. Nothing specific. The ushers tell the audience members to be quiet, they are trying to listen. They hope the ping-pong balls are enjoying the show. They ask the audience what they think the play is about. All of this is closely monitored. The audience collectively tells a story, the story they are missing right now because they’ve been locked out. If anyone, agitated or otherwise, asks to be allowed in to see the show, they are told they are not allowed, and are escorted out of the house entirely. What do they care? They didn’t pay for it!


The audience at this time is either asked to leave, or asked to enter the performance space again. If they do enter the space, they are only allowed to interact with anyone using solely their ping-pong ball. They can tap the balls, or pretend to speak as the balls in a tiny high-pitched voice. When they have all taken their seats, a troupe of ACTORS with GIANT PING-PONG SMILEY HEADS re-enacts the play that the audience had previously imagined, complete with music and sound effects.

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