


THE HUMAN CLOCK – for 14 players

Twelve people sit in clock formation (1-12)
When their hour comes up, they stand for the full hour.
(“HOUR HAND” is the person whose job it is to politely inform each particular person that it is their turn to stand.)

Meanwhile, a waltz is played at 120 beats per minute.
Every five minutes, the waltz changes.
(“MINUTE HAND” is the person whose job it is to dance the waltz for hours on end.)

“MINUTE HAND” dances the waltz in a counterclockwise path throughout our friends in clock formation.
Every 40 bars in the music, “MINUTE HAND” takes a step throughout the circle’s circumference, waltzing alone.
When “MINUE HAND” reaches one of our friends in clock formation, they waltz together for 40 beats.

“MINUTE HAND” only must waltz for one hour, after which time they become 11:00, and 12:00 becomes “MINUTE HAND”
The rest of our friends in clock formation adjust seats in counterclockwise formation.
“HOUR HAND” is placed in the center of the clock, keeping track of the music, as well as the personal needs of all other clock parts.

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