
Christmas Break

Every year, I come up with a New Year's resolution that I usually don't follow up on. This year, my resolutions are big, so I've decided to get a head start. Hopefully, unless I give in to the temptation I had about three minutes ago, this should all work out for the best. Here are the resolutions:

1.) Quit Smoking
-Now that I am cast in the puzzle locker, and I'm starting to sing more often (Stephen Hiro might be playing a show with the Michael Tabors btw.) it's time I gave up smoking. I don't want to stay a smoker my whole life anyway, right? Quit while you're still ahead I say. Plus, I can't imagine smoker's breath helping me out on the dating scene.

2.) Party Less
-This is rather self explanatory. I have been partying quite a bit these past few months, and it's time that I reserved partying for special occasions only. I think this will help me get closer to my less party-oriented friends, who I'm noticing that I care alot more about these days. Drinking and smoking buddies are great, almost as great as actually drinking and smoking, but it's time to tone it down. I think the amount of cocaine that I've seen in front of people's faces these past few months is more than I need to see in a lifetime. Them shits is disturbing.

2.5) Party More with New People
-There are a whole bunch of friends that I've been neglecting in the last few months, just because I've been completely dominated by other things. This last semester, I'm going out with a bang. I'm going to try to get to know as many new people as possible, while at the same time hanging out with friends of mine I should have been spending more time with all along. You people know who you are. One of you just gave me the greatest Mix CD ever. So it's time to get to know you all a little better.

3.) MOST IMPORTANT ::: Become less Narcississiissssisstic.
-Alright, I admit, I don't know how to spell that word. I'm a terrible speller. But you get the point. These past six months or so, all I've been thinking about is myself. I've decided to change that recently, as you might have noticed by my previous post. Any help on this is greatly appreciated. Let me know what I can do to help others. Meanwhile, I'll be spending a whole crapload of time not thinking about myself. Strange that I would use a blog to come to this conclusion...

Ok. So that's it. Feel free to punch me if you catch me breaking any rules...except rule number two, 'cause I loves me some PBR on occasion.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i will never date you if you quit smoking.

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