

Ok, so Puzzle locker rehearsals started last night. I had to miss most of our first read through because I had logic class (blech) and didn't get there until the last ten minutes. The show sounds cool, but I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT IT'S ABOUT!!!!!! And no one seems to be able to explain it at all to me. In 1/2 hour I'm supposedly going to get a chance to read through the script for myself, but I'm so curious that I wish I could go back in time and be at last nights rehearsal right now.
Damn. Haven't figured out time travel yet.
Well, If any of you are reading this, I hope you come see this play, because the whole cast has put alot of effort into not exploding with curiosity as to what this thing is about.

Perhaps I should give you a rundown on the facts I know:
1) All the characters are dead.
2) It takes place in the North West woods of America
3) It sounds like the play is as gory as hell (which I think is kind of awesome)

Aside from this, I have heard a few things about my character, which I will now share with you:
A) I sing a rock song (my character's name is RockStarBoy)
B) At one point I get burned alive
C) My crispy corpse has an affair with Kelsi Crivaro

This is everything I know about this play. DAMN YOU W DAVID HANCOCK FOR WRITING SOMETHING SO ENIGMATIC AND STRANGE!!!! Now I'll never be in a kitchen sink drama. Not that that's a bad thing. Actually, I'm just whining, because every play I've ever worked on has been a big stretch of the imagination. Even Rainy Days and Mondays was a supernatural ghost story. Come to think of it, the only play I ever worked on at Iowa where I wasn't a ghost was Who Wears the Boobs In This Family. But I digress...

Lastly, I just want to point out that this is most likely my last ever acting gig. I'm planning on never acting again. What a way to go.

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